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Mod Syntax Reference

This section includes examples of functions used in the script and their usage.

Note: this page might also be useful.

Code breakdown

ModDrawCharacterWithFiltering(3, 10, "sprite/normal/iri1_def2_", "1", "right", 1, 160, 0, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 300, TRUE );

Draws a character sprite onscreen. Supports lipsync.

  • 3 is the sprite layer
  • 10 is the character's voice folder
  • "sprite/normal/iri1_def2_" is the sprite image to use minus the last character
  • "1" is which sprite to use if lipsync is disabled
  • "right" is the mask that controls the fade-in animation
  • 160 is the horizontal coordinates to draw the character at
  • 20 is the level that characters are drawn at (if they overlap, the one with a lower level is drawn on top of the other)
  • 300 is the speed in milliseconds the sprite fades in
  • the last FALSE determines if the system should continue before the sprite finishes drawing (setting it to TRUE allows you to have multiple sprites fading in at once)

DrawFilm( 2, 176, 155, 104, 255, 0, 1000, TRUE );

Draws a colored filter on top of all sprites and backgrounds onscreen. Used to tint the screen brown/red/gray/etc. Need to call FadeFilm() afterwards to remove this.

  • 2 is the layer of this film (used in FadeFilm to remove this film later)
  • 176, 155, and 104 are the RGB color components of the film (this particular combination brown-tints the screen)
  • 255 is the intensity/opacity of the film
  • 1000 is the time in milliseconds to draw the film
  • TRUE indicates if the process can continue while the film is drawing.

Negative( 1000, TRUE );

Inverts the colors onscreen. Need to call FadeFilm() afterwards to remove this.

  • 1000 is the time in milliseconds to draw the negative
  • TRUE indicates if the process can continue while the negative is drawing.

FadeFilm( 500, TRUE );

Removes the effect of a previous DrawFilm() or Negative() call.

  • 1000 is the time in milliseconds to remove the film
  • TRUE indicates if the process can continue while the film is fading out.

ShakeScreen( 1, 15, 15, 2, 0, );

Shakes the image on screen

  • 15, 15 controls how far the image should shake (in pixels?) I think the first one is in the x direction and second is in y
  • 2 indicates how many times the screen should shake